How To Start A Medical Device Company

The how to start a medical device company article often begins and ends with the three sigma processes. This is a useful process for identifying the target market, narrowing the technology footprint, building a business case, and evaluating potential business opportunities. Medical device startups are often successful when one individual identifies an unmet medical need, typically by intuition. Often, this comes from direct experience with a patient or other healthcare professional who first notices a symptom association that makes them seek a solution. As such, the medical industry sigma concepts are critical to helping identify what is a true need, what solutions can be greatest, and how to best bring together the medical community and the technology community to make improvements in care.

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how to start a medical device company


Identification of a problem is key to solving it. It's very important to ask the question, "What's wrong?" before making a decision on a solution or investing in a technology development. A medical device startup doesn't get invested in until the questions are answered, but when those questions are answered well, the result is a winning product and venture.


Second, we must define our customer. While this sounds obvious, many medical device startups fail because they focus too exclusively on developing products that serve their own needs. If we're going to succeed, we need to develop products that serve the needs of the entire healthcare industry, not just a small niche of doctors and hospitals. This means we need to identify multiple customers that will support our business model. For example, we need to consider how the fda process works if we're developing sterile liquids, how the logistics process is going to work if we're manufacturing packaging equipment, and how the supply chain process is going to work if we're manufacturing fibrillar patches.

How to Start a Medical Device Company


Finally, we have to understand the fda process and how to comply with it. The US FDA enacts federal regulations regarding medical device and pharmaceuticals that require companies to register and list their drugs on their websites with proper labeling and packaging. The regulations also dictate how companies package and present their drugs for patients. Any deviations from the guidelines can result in fines or penalties. If an company doesn't comply, it could even lose its FDA license. Failure to register your company can result in your company being shut down by the FDA.

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The first step is to register your company. This can be done at the FDA website. Your company's registration will also entitle you to expedite the registration process so you can begin bringing devices forward to the market. If your company has completed all these things, you are ready to move on to the next step of starting to manufacture.

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Manufacturing - this is the next most important step in learning how to start a medical device company. You can either work with an OEM, or direct manufacturer. A direct manufacturer means you will be the actual employee who will make the devices. With an OEM, you will work with an outside company that makes medical devices like you want to distribute.


When it comes to choosing an OEM, sometimes it's difficult to tell which one is going to be the best. An OEM will give you full rights to the medical device but they are limited in how they can enter into licensing agreements with other companies. In contrast, a direct manufacturer will not have any limitations; you can negotiate a licensing agreement with them as well. One major benefit of working with a direct manufacturer is that you don't have to pay royalties to a medical device company for the devices that they manufacture.


While learning how to start a medical device company isn't very difficult, it does require a lot of hard work and dedication. The industry is very competitive and you'll need to build up a good reputation before you can hope to gain enough customers to sell your products. If you do your job and treat your customers well, your business will grow and you'll soon be making lots of money. However, don't expect miracles. You'll need to constantly educate yourself about health care and the medical industry in general to be successful.

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